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First triathlon against Ste.


We got into the water near the front of the group so had several minutes to swim a few strokes and get used to the water. It wasn't cold really, just took 2 or 3 seconds to get used to the water down the neck of the wetsuit and we were quickly swimming over to the bank to stretch out. I lined myself up literally right on the start line between the two markers, and after a few seconds we were off. I was quickly overtaken by several swimmers but there was only the odd contact from other swimmers. After a few 100 meters I was swimming mostly on my own, occassionally catching people, and being overtaken too. Sighting wasn't brilliant but I avoided all the ski jumps etc and was within touching distance around each marker buoy. There wasn't even any congestion at the turns. I knew I was nowhere near the front but was swimming fine. I barely did any breastroke, just the occasional seconds going up the first straight, but it was 98% 3 stroke bilateral breathing. 

I took it easy (asfter going off a little too fast initially) and concentrated on breathing out  properly etc. I think my stroke could have been stronger, but in the end I was 30th out of the water, @ 25:03, and gps measured 1528 meters, so almost exactly 25 mins for the 1500m - exactly what I'd hoped for.


A short t1 meant I only just had my wetsuit down to my waist when I got to my bike. I took off the goggles and swim cap, put my watch on my wrist (which probably took 7-10 seconds) and got out of the suit. I'm pretty sure I sat down to do that, got my bike shoes on, glasses on, helmet on, unhooked the bike and set off on a 75m? trot to the mount line. 

I could have saved the time putting the watch on, but other than that t1 was pretty good for me.


I knew I was ahead of Ste by now as his bike was still in t1, but the bike route initially went out to a roundabout and back past the mount line so I kept a keen eye out for him but didnt see him. I rode hard from the start (as the hr plot shows, it took a long time to level off after the swim) and overtook one or two riders. I think my enthusiasm wandered a bit in the middle of the ride - I dont remember hammering away, just more riding along (still fast, but not 100%). After about 3 quarters of the ride I noticed a had quite a sore bottom, and had to keep shifting about on my seat. It was a muscular ache more than rubbage or rawness, so possibly just from the extended exertion? About that time a pair of riders overtook me, and I re-focused and sped up a bit to keep up with them (which I did, all the way to t2). For the last 3 miles or so I traded places with about 5 other riders. Some would overtake, get a little ahead, and then I'd catch them up and overtake, just to be re-overtaken after a minute or two. We definately weren't drafting each other, but I think it spurred us all in for the final miles.

I'd hoped, expected even, to manage 20mpg, (for a 1:15 time) and actually did the rid in 1:10 so a bit quicker than expected, which is good.


Dismounted the bike no problems, and trotted in to t2. Missed my bike spot and had to go back a few bikes, then got ready for the run. Dont remember anything else being slow about it but I was 20 seconds slower than Ste (he was 20 seconds slower than me on t1).


Hard, right from the off my legs were very tired, and soon my ankles started aching too. The hilly bendy section at the far end was horrible, with short steep up and downs, and the whole run was on mown field, so not at atall flat under foot. The riders from the end of the bike all slowly but certainly left me behind. On the other hand only two people overtook me, so it wasnt terrible, but I'd expected to run less than 45 minutes, and it took 46:30 - did I over do the bike and ruin my legs...? Several people were walking on my second lap, and I was tempted for a split second, but I knew Ste was behind me somewhere. We did see each other as I finished the bendy section of my first lap, and I though he was a minute or two behind me. I kept plodding away, expecting hime to catch me, but by 9km I was still in front and decided I had to make it stick, so I picked up the speed as well as I could and nearly killed myself, literally dropping to one knee as I crossed the line, properly exhausted.

My hardest triathlon so far.

Triathlon/Bedford Olympic Tri/IMG_0901
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  fileextension Bedford Olympic Tri ‑ Bike.gpx download  graph  Play in google mapsview in Bing maps view on os maps   
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  fileextension Bedford Olympic Tri ‑ Swim.gpx download  graph  Play in google mapsview in Bing maps view on os maps   
  fileextension Bedford Olympic Tri ‑ t1.gpx download  graph  Play in google mapsview in Bing maps view on os maps   
  fileextension Bedford Olympic Tri ‑ t2.gpx download  graph  Play in google mapsview in Bing maps view on os maps   
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